I am working on the autonomous rover kit and don’t see where and how to mount the lithium battery. The lead is fairly short so it won’t mount back where the AA battery pack goes.
I am working on the autonomous rover kit and don’t see where and how to mount the lithium battery. The lead is fairly short so it won’t mount back where the AA battery pack goes.
Thanks, yes that is a snug fit. Do I need to protect the aluminium cover from the solder on the board — and is there any danger of shorting those solder points?
Thanks again Coleman, that worked nicely. I did end up wrapping the battery in black tape to protect it from sharp solder points
Normally we suggest placing the 3.7V, 1000mAh battery pack under the robot between the motors and the lower, rear axle (it’s a nice snug fit).
The only area where there may be contact is between the motor wires and the PCB. From the assembly instructions, you should use a piece of black electrical tape on the underside to ensure there is no contact (on either side of the PCB).
The battery itself should not come onto contact with any solder points - it would be beneath the motors? The electrical tape would be beneath the screw terminals on the PCB. Anyway - looking forward to seeing some videos of your setup.