Rover/arm with rc control

My son is wanting to get the 4wd1 rover and the arm without the electonics and make a rover that has a working arm. Problem is, he wants it rc controlled, not ps2. The tutorials only show set up and programming for the ps2 version. Are there any tutorials for an rc version anywhere? Any help would be greatly appreciated. He really wants to get into robotics.

The reason why we have a PS2 controlled rover/arm combo and not an R/C one is because there’s a difference in the amount of available controls. The PS2 controller has 16 buttons and 2 analog sticks while the Laser 6 only has 2 analog sticks and 2 other channels. It’s not really too viable to control a rover/arm with an R/C remote. :frowning:

To take this a little further. Even if you were to use multiple radios to get enough channels to control the base (2) and the arm (6) total of 8, there is still a problem. The signal from the radio is only 1-2mS which only rotates the servo 90°. This is not enough to move the arm with enough range to be useful.

The other problem is when using the individual channels to control an arm, there is no “smarts”. So for example, if you try to position the gripper to a certain location, it involves moving the shoulder, then the elbow, oops now the wrist in wrong, etc. Not fun or easy to do. The PS2 controller allows you to position the end of the gripper in 3D space with three controls. Up/down, left/right, in/out. :wink:

I think your son is asking for this difficult thing. The PS 2 controller provides many control buttons compare tot his RC controller. And I don’t think so that it would be better than PS 2. Make your son understand for PS2. The use of RC controller is not much harder but it requires the sufficient knowledge which can be got through any tutorial which you are not getting so for this you should contact any expert one of RC controller.