Hello..am 2 weeks old to arduino projects..i had been using timing all this while to control my rover...now, i wanted to shift to using encoders..am facing quite some problems..am using arduino uno and a two amp motor shield..this is code i am trying to use..am using a 8V Li-po battery
http://www.myduino.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=170&search=rover+5 (link to rover)
http://www.myduino.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=131&search=motor+shield (link to motoshield)
my question is there are four pins coming out of encoders from each side...what i did was connected the red and black to 5V and GND respectively and the white and yellow of the first encoder to pin 2 and the white and yellow of second encoder to pin 3...is what am doing correct??
and sometimes when i use this code, in the motorshield both the green and red light starts thereby stalling the motor..why does that happen?
can anyone of you suggest a link to a simple encoder code to make the motors move forward in a straight using feedback..
// interupt 0 -> pin 2
// interupt 1 -> pin 3
volatile unsigned long positionL = 0; //vehicle position count from left encoder
volatile unsigned long positionR = 0; //vehicle position count from right encoder
int motorLa = 5;
int dirLa = 4;
int motorRa = 7;
int dirRa = 6;
void setup()
pinMode (motorLa, OUTPUT);
pinMode (dirLa, OUTPUT);
pinMode (motorRa, OUTPUT);
pinMode (dirRa, OUTPUT);
void loop()
void encoder1()
void encoder2()
void moveFWD(unsigned int x)
attachInterrupt(0, encoder1, CHANGE);
attachInterrupt(1, encoder2, CHANGE);
digitalWrite(dirLa, LOW); // Left a Forward
digitalWrite(dirRa, HIGH); //Right a Forward
while((positionL <= x) || (positionR <= x))
if (positionL > positionR)
analogWrite(motorLa, 220);
analogWrite(motorRa, 255);
else if (positionR > positionL)
analogWrite(motorRa, 220);
analogWrite(motorLa, 255); // Sets the motor speed at a value of 180
analogWrite(motorRa, 255);
analogWrite(motorLa, 255); // Sets the motor speed at a value of 180
Serial.print(positionL); // This prints the current value of positionL in the serial monitor on the computer.
Serial.print("\t"); // This creates a tab on the monitor
Serial.println(); // This creates a new line to print on
// Stop all motors
analogWrite(motorLa, 0);
analogWrite(motorRa, 0);
// Disables the encoders interrupt
void moveREV(unsigned int x)
attachInterrupt(0, encoder1, CHANGE);
attachInterrupt(1, encoder2, CHANGE);
digitalWrite(dirLa, HIGH); // Left a Forward
digitalWrite(dirRa, LOW); //Right a Forward
while((positionL <= x) || (positionR <= x))
if (positionL > positionR)
analogWrite(motorLa, 20);
analogWrite(motorRa, 200);
else if (positionR > positionL)
analogWrite(motorRa, 20);
analogWrite(motorLa, 200); // Sets the motor speed at a value of 180
analogWrite(motorLa, 200); // Sets the motor speed at a value of 180
analogWrite(motorRa, 200);
Serial.print(positionL); // This prints the current value of positionL in the serial monitor on the computer.
Serial.print("\t"); // This creates a tab on the monitor
Serial.println(); // This creates a new line to print on
// Stop all motors
analogWrite(motorLa, 0);
analogWrite(motorRa, 0);
// Disables the encoders interrupt