Rover 5 Basic Power Wiring Question (With Spider Board)

Hello All!

 I've just purchased a bunch of parts that I hope to turn into a working rover. Before I start wiring things up I've been looking for some clean pictures on how to get started. I found this image:

And I have a question about the flow of power to the controllers and the motors. I understand that the rover 5 motor controller needs 2 sources of power, one at 5V and the other from 4.5 - 12V (according to the manual.) Now in the above image the battery is connected to the screw terminal on the Spider board, and then jumpers are connected from the GND/VCC pins first to the motor power pins on the Rover 5 motor board and then to the logic power pins.

This is a very basic electronics question, but *how does this work?* Is the wiring in the image wrong? Wouldn't the voltage from the battery be too much for the logic pins and/or the voltage for the motors be too low?

I'd love to be able to power everything off one battery, but I'd like to understand a bit more about what the Spider board provides in terms of voltage regulation etc. 

Thanks in advance!

Hi! Take a look at my

Hi!  Take a look at my recent forum post on wiring my Service Droid using the 4ch controller and spider and see if that helps… 



This diagram should be included with every kit! One question and one comment

1. Are the GND connections between Motor Channels 1-4 and the GND lead to the spider strictly neccesary? 

2. I think the Spider boards all now ship with ATMEGA2560s so you might want to use that label in your diagram.

I am glad it’s helpful.

I am glad it’s helpful.  Note: the schematic is still a work in progress with advice I’ve been getting from OddBot on that post. I hope also add some rationale on there  as not everyone would need this exact configuration. 

Direct links for posterity …


Diagram: (NOTE: This may have been updated more recently, check the above post)