Rot. Encoder Menu (HELPPP!)

I’m trying to use a rotary encoder for scrolling through a menu with 5 songs in it. Is it possible for me to use either of these methods?

  1. use unsigned angle. For example at angle 30degree lcd.print(song1).
  2. use signed angle divided by no of songs (there will be some limitations here but I’m not sure)

or is it better to make several menus and update everytime rotary encoder is turned?

Thank you so muchhhh:)

Are you using an Arduino? You never say, but you tagged Arduino. It helps a lot to know.
What rotary encoder are you using? There are lots of them with different features. I’m not aware of any that give an angle.
Are you using some sort of library code? Which one(s)? Can you describe how they work?
Can you describe your problem better, preferabley without all the extra Ps and Hs?
EDIT: links to what you are using are very helpful and very much appreciated