Rosbot Pro: wheel encoders?


I am wondering if the following robot kit includes wheel encoders and if yes, if a ROS software library is available for this?

Thank you so much in advance for your help!

Best regards,

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Hi @tibosept and welcome to our forum.

@wayneliu could you support here?

Thank you.

Hi @tibosept ,

Thanks for the question! The Rosbot does have onboard wheel encoders. However, we don’t currently have a dedicated ROS package that allows direct reading of the encoder data.


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Hello @wayneliu ,

Thanks for your reply!
I have a few more questions

  • Do you know the type of the wheel encoders so I can try to find a ROS package for it? Or do you have recommendations?
  • Is it possible to measure velocity with the depth camera using the included ROS package?
  • Is it possible to measure velocity with the LiDAR using the included ROS package?

Our main goal is to measure and compare the velocity of the robot using different sensors.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Best regards,

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Hi Tibo,

Thank you again for reaching out!

Here are my answers:

  • Do you know the type of the wheel encoders so I can try to find a ROS package for it? Or do you have recommendations?


After further discussion with our engineering team, there is a work-around to retrieve data from wheel encoder. The STM32 controller (Low level motor controller for the chassis) can receive data on the wheel spinning speed. These data will be sent to ROS as odom topic. In another word, the STM32 ROS package include the wheel encoder data.

  • Is it possible to measure velocity with the depth camera using the included ROS package?


Yes, it is possible. There is no existing ROS package developed for this function yet. You may develop your own ROS package for this.

  • Is it possible to measure velocity with the LiDAR using the included ROS package?


Yes, it is possible. There is no existing ROS package developed for this function yet. You may develop your own ROS package for this.

I hope the above answers help. Please feel free to contact me if you have more questions.



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