
Ros2Bot (upgraded version of turtlebot2) is a personnel Robot Kit based on open source platform for Developing Highly capable application like mobile robots through its vision system and mobile base which is empowered by single board compuer. 

Turtlebot2 which is available currently assembled with kinect old sensor and pc which need to be placed on it to control. In this project the pc was replaced with a single board computer and kinect old sensor was replaced with kinectv2 (x-box ONE) sensor. You can operate robot wirelessly from your pc through wifi. ROS (Robot Operating System)-master  will be running at sbc and ROS host on your pc that we are operating. The navigation and other packages will be similar to turtlebot. The files regarding robot model, kinect2-ROS bridge and other files are available in the following github link.


Single Board Computer : Jetson TK1

3D-Sensor : Kinect Xbox One - kinectv2

mobile base: Kobuki


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