Roomba 780 charging error 3

Hy to all,

I am having problems with charging error 3 on Roomba 780. The thing is that I must manually drain the batttery every time in order to roomba start charging the battery. When I say drain I mean that I short circuit the battery until it is completely empty.
Then it vacuums for more than 2 hours so the battery is good, but when it starts charging from the state “Please charge roomba” it charges for cca. 5 seconds then gives “charging error 3”. Maybe someone can help me troubleshoot this issue?

@rsostar, have you tried charging the robot using the wire only not charging trough the charging base? Try that to verify if you are still getting the error.

Yes I tried, also tried different battery, always the same…

@rsostar, usually tot his point we replace the power jack plug on the robot and it fixes the issue. When it does not fix the issue we proceed with a motherboard replacement.
Roomba charging plug.png

Thank you very much for your help, I’ll try to bypass the connecting plug and manualy wire the charger to see what will happen. Maybe you can give me the schematics of the charging circuit so I can further check the components and try to repair it. It looks to me that the somekind of charge level sensing circuit is making the problem because when I force it to start charging ot charges the battery as it should.

@rsostar, we do not have the schematics for this robot, it is not something that the manufacturer shares. The power jack cable can be found on eBay and with basic technical skills quite easy to replace.

Is it possible to buy only the preprogrammed ARM processor from the mainboard? I managed to fry it up :frowning:(

@rsostar, we do not have this part for sell, when parts like these go out we usually replace the whole main board. You can try and find it on eBay.