RobotShop Support: Pricing Considerations

Canada : All prices on are in Canadian currency ($CAD)
U.S.A. and International: All prices on are in American currency ($USD).
Europe: All prices on are in Euros and include taxes (VAT).

The prices indicated do not include taxes (except for the case of the European website, which includes the VAT) or shipping and handling fees. There are no shipping and handling fees in Canada and in the United States for orders of $100 or more and 200 Euros or more in many European countries (before taxes).

Our prices may vary or change slightly, without notice, in function of price changes at our suppliers or manufacturers. Our prices might contain typographical errors. If an error should occur, we reserve the right either to honor that price, inform the customer of the reason for such an error and correct the situation by asking the customer whether the order should stand at the revised price or be canceled.