hey robot shop i bought the { DFRobotShop Rover - Arduino Compatible Tracked Robot (Speech Control Kit) } and i tried to use the rover with the hyperterminal way it’s running well but when i put the { DFRobot I / O Expansion Board for Arduino v5 } and the { Maxstream 1mW XBee Transceiver Module (chip antennae) } in rover and arduino uno and start talking to arduino with - Forward , Bacward , Left , Right - the rover can’t make any movement note that i uploaded the codes from this **link : **robotshop.com/gorobotics/robotics-projects
and i watched all videos so i am sure of all connections - i chose the right com & board of arduino uno & rover @ arduino software >>> see these images @ link :mediafire.com/?7r69jmuj9em0qp1
i hope u can help me:confused:
thanks for reply first @ 1) if u mean by serial commands : forward & backward … etc , yes it done @ 2) i need to ask something i downloaded the { EasyTransfer } codes and went to examples folder there are many codes folders i need to know is { EasyTransfer_RX_Example } will be uploaded in rover & the { EasyTransfer_TX_Example } will be uploaded in arduino uno ???
& what will be done after uploading or what will i do after uploading ???
hey carlos thanks for reply . sorry but i have no time to search for solution cuz this is my project in college and i have a limited time to finish it so i will be so glad if u help me … i tried the previous version of arduino software & the same error is happening , i also tried to post the pic but every time appears failure while uploading … thanks
sorry carlos but i tried the code in arduino 22 but the same error of the previous image is happening
& i am sure that all setup configurations is right , i tried a ping ultrasonic sensor with the arduino and it’s running very well in measuring so the error not in the arduino it might be in voice recognition or the xbee
thanks so much carlos i have downloaded the library and uploaded the TX code on Arduino UNO & RX on the rover and i connected the I/O with the Xbee on the both the LEDs (L) in Arduino & the rover is flashing @ the same time so the xbee is running well the only thing Remaining is the Voice recognition module what can i do to test it
hey carlos sorry but there are very bad news i noticed that there are some components in rover have been broken ( C21 , C 20 , C13 , LED10 ) this might be the main problem , this issue hasn’t done by me cuz it haven’t fall any time see this image Link : mediafire.com/?7ifh54syyxbb590
& I suspect that the Vrbot module is defective i tried the 2 videos u share , upload codes but in vain cuz when i log in the( EasyVR Commander) i chose the right com but always when i press connect an error message is appearing says : Could n’t detect device !!! & i tried hundreds times
I received a robotshop speech rover kit the other day, and I assembled it. When i turn both the rover and the remote on, and try to talk to it, nothing happens. I uploaded the code to each Arduino, but I was wondering if I also had to configure the xbee’s, like I have had to do with all my other Arduino projects. I also put a set of already configured xbees into the kit, and when I said a command, the motors would make a slight “click”. I downloaded test code onto it to test if the motors worked, and they both worked fine. When i say “forward” to the remote, sometimes the led on the rover labeled “D2” lights up. I look forward to your responce.
I made sure that the xbee’s were at the same baud rate, 9600, and the batteries are fully charged. The red led does not light up, although, there is a blinking red led on the expansion shield.
Any more suggestions?
Thanks for your time
I looked at the main board of the rover, and noticed that 3 of the resistors and capacitors (all SMD) were missing. Here are some pictures showing them:
hello! Im a newbie my rover doesn’t work. i noticed that there were missing capacitors and LEDs. i tried to upload a sample code and i got this error message
Can you give e a link on how to contact your support center?
yes I choose the right COM port and the right board (duemilanove 328) i dont know what is wrong and i am wondering if the capacitors are the main cause of the error in uploading the codes. thank you.
First of all we would like to thank you for sending such great pictures, we uploaded them to this thread in order to make them more easily accessible. The connections and general assembly look perfect.
This project has several parts that can go wrong, so you will need to troubleshoot them systematically:
]Can the rover respond to serial commands? (we think this one is done)/:m] ]Can the XBee modules communicate between them and send serial commands to each other? This one could be a bit difficult to test. We recommend using the sample code for sending and receiving data from the Easy Transfer Arduino Library. You could also program the Arduino Uno to send serial commands to the rover and see how the rover responds./:m] ]Is the speech recognition module responding properly? You an check the tutorial here in order to test it with your computer and see how it is performing./:m] ]Are you saying the commands correctly, maybe ask somebody else to try it. I know this might sound strange, but sometimes the VeeAR module responds much better to some people. Also, it likes some very specific (and often incorrect) pronunciation of words so you might need to try to say the commands in very different ways./:m]
The last point can be tricky, even ourselves when testing needed to use another robot to say the commands to make sure we were doing it right. Once you get used to the commands, you will be able to talk to your robot very reliably but it might take some time. See the video below as an illustration.
Looks like the capacitors broke off. Can you contact us via the RobotShop Support Center with your invoice or order number? However, those capacitors are for the motor controller - not the microcontroller, so you should still be able to upload code. Did you choose the right COM port and board within the Arduino software?
Support is the third button at the top of this page, or a direct link: robotshop.helpserve.com/
The capacitors are not related to the Duemilanove - only to the motor controller aspect.
Try to upload a simple “Blink LED” sketch found in the Arduino software under “examples”.
You can test the easy transfer either way. Simply make sure that there is a communication link between both. You could indeed use TX in the Uno and RX in the rover.
When you have that working, both will blink their LED in sync.
So this means that you were not able to establish a serial link between the two.
The steps to establish a serial link are:
]Program the Arduino Uno with the TX sample code./:m] ]Connect the IO expansion shield and the XBee module to the Arduino Uno./:m] ]Program the rover with the RX sample code/:m] ]Connect the IO expansion shield and the XBee module to the rover/:m] ]Turn them both on/:m] ]LEDs should flash on both sides the same number of times./:m]
Once you understood how to do this, you will be able to go to the next step and use the serial link to send actual commands to the rover.