Robotshop Rover V2 doesn't drive


I built the rover according to the youtube and written instructions (with motor configuration B) and downloaded all the needed Arduino software and drivers.
When I try to run the Blink script (from the basic examples) it works just fine, but when I upload the full-speed-test, it just doesn’t drive at all. The LEDs are blinking and all, but it won’t drive. Same for the WASD script - I see there’s a blink in the RX LED each time I send an input (letter), but no driving.
What do I do?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Can you provide a few clear photos of the setup? How are you powering the board?
When you upload the full speed code, do you have the On/Off switch set to ON and the board is powered?
For the WASD script, you need to have the rover connect via USB and open Hyperterminal, set the right COM port, baud rate etc. (all in the manual).

Hi Coleman,
Thanks for the quick reply!
I changed the batteries to new ones (there was indeed a problem there), and now the new problem is that when I use the WASD script the rover only drives to the direction I tell it for a fraction of a second and then stops. If I give it a command to drive to another direction it will again go just transiently to the other direction (for a short moment and then it stops).

So I checked the analog outputs with a multimeter, and when I look at the M1 output (analog output that goes to one of the motors) it gives me 0.5V when going forward and -0.35V when going backward. Is that enough to power the motors? Is there anything I’m doing wrong?

Thank you very much again!

If you are using AA batteries, be sure to remove the LiPo jumper at the left rear of the board, so the USB cable does not try to charge the batteries as if they are LiPo.
Can you provide some clear photos of the robot?
What program are you using to send commands? Some programs require that you press enter at the end, others keep sending the commands as long as the key is pressed.
It sounds like there is a signal being sent which effectively stops the robot (any other command other than WASD will cause the robot to stop).

I did remove the jumper 8)
Here are images of the setup and the last one is the software I’m sending the commands through:
I have no idea what stops it, but I guess that if it was some command, then sending the same key repeatedly (for example w a few times) would elicit several abrupt movements in that direction, but this isn’t the case - if I press a key once, I need to press another key for the first key to have the same effect again.
As I understood the script it goes to the direction told until I press a different key. Is that correct?

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Correct, the WASD sample code simply has the robot respond to w/a/s/d and move in that direction until another (any other) key is pressed.
Try using line ending via the serial terminal

When I change the settings to “Newline” instead of “No line ending”, the rover doesn’t respond at all.
Is there anything else I could do?
Is the voltage I mentioned before (0.5V for forwars and -0.35V for backward) is enough for the motors to work properly?

Thank you!

No, 0.35 and 0.5 is not enough. It really sounds like a potential power issue.
Can you use the same multimeter to check the voltage at the white JST connector on the PCB site to ensure it’s receiving 4.8V to 6V from the 4xAA pack?
To confirm - you are using the Arduino IDE to send serial commands, so it should be as easy as choosing the right COM port, baud rate and pressing a key, then enter.
Are you certain the On/Off switch is set to ON?

We await your reply.

The power at the white JST connector is 5V.
I am using the Arduino IDE to send the commands, through the correct COM port, with the correct baud rate and I am pressing a key, then enter.
The on/off switch is definitely ON.

The thing is this: if one of the above parameters isn’t right, the rover won’t respond at all, but when everything is set correctly as far as I understand and according to you and to the manual), the rover jumps to the right direction, but only momentarily, then stops until I press a different key. Also the PWR LED is always on (when the batteries are on) and the L LED turns on when I press the ‘s’ key.

I also tried to figure out the board, so from what I see, the C23 capacitor is getting ~3V but the LEDs (1, 2, 3 or 4) are getting 0.5V or -0.35V, which is definitely not enough. I also checked the engines with a separate electricity source, and they are 100% working. I don’t want to mess with the U3 part, but it gets very warm if I keep the rover on for a while.

Do you have any idea what to do?

Thank you!

If you have Windows, can you download and run Hyperterminal? There are quite a few links online for the software and suggestions in the guide: … -guide.pdf

It exhibits the same behavior when I use another terminal software (it’s a terminal that was suggested somewhere in the forum and worked for someone else). :frowning:

Found it! You have chosen the wrong configuration for the tamiya motors. It is stated that the gearbox can ONLY be assembled in configuration C… not A or B, which puts too much strain on the tracks.
Too much strain on the tracks means the motors cannot rotate. We see your track is also stretched way too much.

I’m attaching photos from all kinds of angles. I turned the rover on for the first two.

Thanks again!

It’s the gearbox… you’ll need to disassemble it and reassemble in configuration C.

It works now! Thank you so much :slight_smile: