Robots in education

Hi all,
Having had a general internet browse for a few weeks I am considering introducing robotics to the curriculum at the college I work at.
Initially I would like to start with some simple desk based robotics, something that we could you just to grab, lift and turn, then place with would be an ideal start.
While coordinate geometry is nothing new to us working with CNC machinery I would like to integrate the current Arduino we teach and take this into robotics.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to get us off the ground with this type of project?


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Hello @Markk !

Pretty great initiative! I should recommend you the Arduino started kit to plan different projects. Then, you could check the following web pages to get and idea of projects, for example: line follower, wall detection, motor control, etc:

Hope this help you! :grin:

Hi @Markk,

That’s a great news that you want to introduce robotics to your college :slight_smile:

What is really interesting to me, are these Robotic Arms. You have plenty of them offered, with electronics, without electronics, cheap ones, expensive ones, and they are really interesting to work with.

Feel free to ask more. I wish you luck with your project.

i’m not an expert, but is there a robotics program at your school? if so, some students may be more experienced than others; they may need a richer experience.

This was the first kit that I purchased many years ago (except it was serial):
Boe-Bot Robot Kit - USB

It teaches microcontoller program using PBasic and integrating sensors and motors for autonomous obstacle avoidance and it’s scalable.

They also have an Arduino version:
Robot Shield with Arduino

Or you can get the original version to learn Basic and then also purchase a purpose build shield for the bot:
Boe-Bot to Shield-Bot Retrofit Kit (for Arduino)

ok! thank you!