Robots for "Football controlled robots"

Robots for "Football controlled robots"



I made it for an hour. Assembled from two CD-ROM, DVD is not suitable, because they double-layer and when drilling or when it is necessary to saw off a piece, are beginning to flake off. Gear Tamiya, wheels of toys, which we very often use.
Once the competition is called "Football controlled robots, then I do not particularly strained took the radio silence from the cars on pv.

Most problematic, used to manage it)) I'm a little less like to do over ...

A detailed description you can see here:


Robots for "Football controlled robots"

  • Actuators / output devices: Tamiya gears
  • Control method: radio
  • Power source: 5V
  • Target environment: Football controlled robots,

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I ike how does it looks :smiley:

I ike how does it looks :smiley:


me to )

I love the chassis

That is an awesome chassis!  I tried making one from old CDs once, and found it very difficult to cut the CD.  How did you manage it?


Is that a screw dragging on the ground behind for he third wheel?


No, the chassis is still ok;) Just the other hand was not …

Disc I did so:
- Plot the drawing marker
- Take the cutter (knife awl, etc.)
- Take the line
- Applies the line to spray lines and are leading the cutter a few times. Then with the other side was a line from the cutter, the same thing we do with the other side. Carefully turn down unwanted parts until she did not break off from the lines which we have done cutter.

PS Sorry for my English, I write through the translator;)