
robotikal is the next genaration of mobile home robotics.Quality ai equals a good companion to people.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Hi Lrobotic,

I saw your 4 recent Robots.
I believe you would need to add more details into your projects.

More pictures and information would be appreciated so we can understand the meaning of your robots.
It is good to have some WIP (work in progress) but you may want to focus on one project at a time to ensure it is well documented and completed.
Good luck!

Thanks dude! I have once again started working on my robotikal project. I will add more stuff as i go.

I have to strongly agree with the feedback from pjutras.

Some more detail in the way of content, pictures, video, or all of the above is helpful for others to try to appreciate what you are doing.