Robotics Scandal Shakes Egypt - What's The Truth? | RobotShop Community

Yesterday, our Web Intelligence Unit investigated a surge in traffic and stumbled upon a viral story coming from Egypt. The author of the post, which has been shared almost 10,000 times as we’re writing these lines and received the same amount of likes and reactions, spotted something disturbing in

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I am supervising number of smart students who would like to work on robotics projects. We appreciate your cooperation and support to those students through providing us with hardware and software ideas that can help our students to contribute to robotics area.

Indeed, it’s hard to get to the truth… the robot in the video from 2014 dances much better than the Egyptian one, so I wouldn’t say the programming was copied… and there’s a lot of people that have made robots dance to Gangnam Style, so it’s not like the idea was copied either: sure, it seems that accomplishments seemed hyped a lot, but the allegations of dishonesty seem to be a big stretch… the video also has a JD Humanoid in it, which was designed to be 3d printed… Maybe that’s what they were talking about?

From our understanding of the original post, it’s really about the Bioloid unit.
Thanks for sharing your findings though!

Glad we could help!