Robotics Engineering WPI Class of 2014

Hello fellow LMR'ers,

I just wanted to create a blog post because I haven't been active on the site in a long time, but that's for good reason.

I've been really focused on my school studies, and being a senior in high school, I also need to focus on college applications, financial aid, ect...

Speaking of College, just today I received an admissions letter from Worcester Polytechnic Institute stating that I have been admitted to become a part of the WPI class of 2014!!!!!

In case you don't know anything about WPI, they are the first college in the United States to offer a bachelor degree program in robotics engineering (RBE) which is what I intend on studying there.

Now that that is out of the way, I'd like to say that I plan on becoming more active on the site once again, especially when I start at WPI in the fall.



Thom Countz

WPI Class of 2014

Hey Thomas, I was looking
Hey Thomas, I was looking through an old thread the other day that you’d posted in, and wondered where you’d gone =)
Congrats on the letter of acceptance!