Robotic Trash Can


I require your help regarding a problem I’m encountering as I’m trying to design an autonomous trash-can

Description: I’m designing a robot trash can that is able to mobilize itself using a phone app so people with physical disabilities would be able to send the robot trash-can to the curb. In addition, I would like to have the trash can to be able to tilt outwards (30degrees +/-) when commanded from the phone app. The trash-can will be hinged from the front (bottom) so people can command the trash-can to open up so they can place their trash bag inside the trash-can. The top lid of the trash-can will open freely as any other common trash-can. I would like to have a solar panel on top of the lid so the trash-can is able to operate from the energy generated from the solar panel on top of the trash-can lid.

Hardware concerned: Which hardware can I use for this project

Software concerned: What kind of software can I use for this project

Thank you so much in advance for your help!

@c17airborne Do you have any general designs you’re considering? Can you sketch something?

I’m designing a robot trash can that is able to mobilize itself using a phone app so people with physical disabilities would be able to send the robot trash-can to the curb.

Autonomously or remote controlled via the App?

In addition, I would like to have the trash can to be able to tilt outwards (30degrees +/-) when commanded from the phone app.

Do you have any experience developing Apps?

I would like to have a solar panel on top of the lid so the trash-can is able to operate from the energy generated from the solar panel on top of the trash-can lid.

It’s unlikely a solar panel will help much, unless it’s able to charge for six out of 7 days.

Hardware concerned: Which hardware can I use for this project

That’s quite a lot of hardware to propose. What is the total weight of the trash can and trash? What amount do you see spending on the project?

Software concerned: What kind of software can I use for this project

You’ll need to list everything you want to do.


Hi cbenson,
I apologize, I should of had been more clear with my request. I’m just doing a paper research. I’m not actually building a trash-can. I’m sorry about that. Below are the answers to your questions. I appreciate your help!

  1. Autonomously or remote controlled via the App?
    Remote controlled via a phone app

  2. Do you have any experience developing Apps?
    I don’t have any experience developing apps. I don’t have to go in depth about the App. Is just a solution I’m offering for my research paper.

  3. It’s unlikely a solar panel will help much, unless it’s able to charge for six out of 7 days.
    Good point! What other options do you recommend?

  4. That’s quite a lot of hardware to propose. What is the total weight of the trash can and trash? What amount do you see spending on the project?
    Let’s said we are using an average 45 gal trash container = 375 lbs max. Not much time, I don’t have to actually build the trash-can. Is just on paper.

  5. You’ll need to list everything you want to do.
    I would like for the trash-can to be mobile (4 wheels), able to tilt the inner “trash-can” outwards and inwards so people with physical disabilities can throw their trash bag easier than trying to lift the top lid of the trash-can. My paper is geared towards people who have physical disabilities and have a hard time taking the trash out to the curb. I’m just trying to come up with a concept of a mobile trash-can.

  1. Even with an App, the platform will still need to be fully autonomous capable in the even that connection is lost - it needs to detect all obstacles and “know” how to react in various situations.

  2. Understood

  3. For this size of robot, you would need to connect it physically to a charger. Solar power might charge a stationary battery which is then used to charge the robot, since it will be sitting for most of the week.

  4. Medium sized platforms like those in the links below max out at around 200 pounds of payload:
    At 375 pounds, you’re effectively looking to transport two adult humans, and something like that requires a platform the size of an ATV or golf cart.

  5. You’ll need to reduce the maximum weight of the trash considerably to make the solution affordable. Note that more and more states and provinces are turning to garbage trucks with arms to pick up the trash bin and empty it. It’s unlikely these arms can support the added weight of a large robot base. Same applies to a garbage man - they tend not to be the most “gentle” when handling bins.

Interesting concept, but we have not seen too many of these for a good reason. Hope you will be able to come up with ideas to overcome the obstacles.

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All your guidance and suggestions are truly appreciated!
I have a couple of questions regarding the design of this concept. If I was to “design” this concept whether the trash-can is autonomous or app based. What subsystems would you recommend I can use? Remember, this is just a research paper haha.

  1. Platform base and drive motor(s) - You already gave me 2 links for medium sized platforms, I think I’m good with this one.

  2. Tilting mechanism (for the inner trash-can)

  3. Navigation system

  4. Control system

  5. Servo system

  6. Locking system

  7. Docking system

  8. Obstacle identification system


If you’er just getting started in robotics, the following series should have the answers to all of your questions:
It will get you up to date with the terms, the components you need etc.

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Thank you! I’ll watch it and get more familiar with the terms.

A pretty simple concept:

@cbenson I bought a Simplehuman trash can for my home and the infrared sensor is awesome! Not sure if it helps but here’s a few things I’d change about it:

1.) More secure top - I once had a giant bug in my trash which means it somehow wiggled its way through the automatic lid (yuck!)

2.) Voice control - I guess an app would be cool, but it’s prob not more convenient than stepping on a pedal or lifting a lid. Voice control would be huge! Especially when my hands are covered in raw chicken grease!

Just my thoughts :slight_smile:

The idea of a voice control would be a good solution for my robotic trash-can design. Especially when this trash-can
it’s being designed for people with physical disabilities who depend on a wheel chair, a cane, or a walker to move around.

I just researched “How SIRI works” and came across this article:

Maybe something like that can work for my design? :slight_smile:

Hello @c17airborne and welcome to the community!

Recently another user asked for a project very similar to yours so I think my answer to that could help you in some aspects. He didn’t have the same specifications as you, so some suggestions may not apply, but it may be able to guide you in the right direction.

Since you seem to have an idea about the weight and speed specifications of your project I suggest you look at the Drive Motor Sizing Tool as it can help you select the right motors for your robot.

To control these motors you will need a motor controller but to select it you will need to know which motors you will use. However, this guide can help you choose one.

As for the control system, there are many different options, like the ones used by the following rovers:

The first one uses the

And the second one the

You can also control your robot via Bluetooth or Wifi, for this there are also different options. You could either get a motor controller and add the Bluetooth or Wifi module yourself (here’s a good tutorial using Arduino if you are interested in that) or you could get a controller that already includes a Bluetooth module, for example, these ones:

Or if you prefer using wifi:

On the other hand, in order to use voice commands, you will need a microcontroller and some audio synthesis modules. For example, an Arduino, the Cytron Easy MP3 Shield and a speaker. And If you also want speech recognition you could use the EasyVR 3 Plus Shield instead of the MP3 shield.

As I mentioned earlier I suggest that you use the tool to select the motors, you will need at least 2 for your robot to be able to rotate. For the power source you will need to know which motors you will use, however you can use this tutorial to guide you

As for the sensors, most likely you will need distance sensors to be able to avoid objects. You could use ultrasonic sensors for this or perhaps a camera module.

I hope this information can help you out!