Robotic HAND

In first, sorry for my english, Im a french teenage boy of 16 years and as many french, am not very good in english.


In fact, for a school test, I had to make a presentation on the topic of my choice with two other comrades, we have chosen "robotics in medicine"
As we had to make a production to illustrate our research. As I like robots, I chose tobuild a prosthetic hand controlled by a glove equipped with sensors (potentiometers) and a graphical interface on computer. The project is built based on Arduino and through aterials and recovery components. In total, the project has cost us 50 euros.

Sorry, the video is in french :) 

This robotic hand can be controlled by a sensor-glove or a graphic program.

  • Actuators / output devices: servos-motors
  • Control method: this and is controlled by an user ( with a sensor-glove or by computer )
  • CPU: Arduino Uno (atmega328)
  • Operating system: Arduino bootloader
  • Power source: computer alim + 5v regulator
  • Programming language: Arduino C
  • Sensors / input devices: potentiometers

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Tiens, des français!

Pas mal du tout, j’aurai aimé avoir votre niveau a votre age :).



Looks like the three of you had a fairly nice shop to work in for producing your hand. And, your English looks fine to me.

Bravo les jeunes( Congrat

Bravo les jeunes( Congrat guys) you did a very nice job on that robotic hand. :slight_smile:

ouaouu is fantastic !!!

ouaouu is fantastic !!! bravo boys

bravo les gars, c’est a la

bravo les gars, c’est a la mode en ce moment

very very nice good …

** Hi pierrickgranFirst big**

 Hi pierrickgran

First big congrats for your job, an amazing design and the racticity is very good :slight_smile: !

Just a little question : what sort of sensor did you use for the glove ?


///////////////////////////////////the same in french

salut mec !

Poua votre travail est vraiment bien réalisé et super pro !

les capteurs c’est des potars linéaires ?


good luck with your projects !!!

Merci, en effet, les


en effet, les capteurs ne sont rien d’autre que des potars linéaires, tout ce qu’il y a de plus banal, ils influent sur la tenssion electrique les parcourants, celles-ci sont renvoyée à la carte Arduino sur différentes entrées analogiques qui determinent un angle à reprduire sur les servo-moteurs en fonction de la tenssion venant des capteurs.



Great job guys

Hey guys fierst of all I would like to congratulate you on a job well done.But i would really appreciate it if you could give a detailed discription on how to make this including the gloves.

thanks for the answer :)MoX

thanks for the answer :slight_smile:


i know a little french

i know a little french