Robotic Arm Project

Hello all!
This is my robotic arm project. It is almost finished it just needs the controller and a bit of programming it finish it up. I'm sorry I dont have step-by-step pictures, I wish I had taken some for my own use but forgot. 
I used:
     4 servos
     1 geared motor
     Picaxe 20M
The video was taken before I had the arm completely put together. Sorry its also sorta bad quality too...but its all I have.
I'm still new at building robots but learning.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Thanks I will now have some ideas…

Dear: Evil Scientist

Hi my other evil scientist. You should know I am thinking about for a future project is actually building something with my rover 5 chassis. I was also hoping to give that chassis a robot arm. Basically what I am trying to say is cool, I will have ideas for my robot arm on my chassis. Thanks…

From: Noah

Thanks for the kind

Thanks for the kind words Noah! I hope your project goes well! Be sure to post some pics.

Thank you but I am not sure if I would want to do it but thanks.

Thank you but I am not sure if I would want to do it but thank you.

Great project…

Great project, but in future videos, would you please record in landscape mode?

Sure thing, Chris! Thanks

Sure thing, Chris! Thanks for the feedback.

Sure you are the most polite evil genius Ever

That’s like the arm i’d want to build when i get some time^^ How much it does lift?

Great Question!

That’s a great question, Silux! I wish I could give a correct answer but I haven’t tested it’s full potential. The most it has picked up so far is that little plastic box in the video - and that did not weigh very much…  It probably won’t be able to lift very much since I didn’t design it too. Seemed like a lot of weight on the base servo so I have added a spring to help lighten the load.

I’m not in a position to test it for a while but when I find out I’d love to give you a solid answer!

Is there maybe a mathematical equation to calculate this?

** Lifting power of a section**


Lifting power of a section = (Lifting power of servo1/lengh of section1)-weight of section1-∑weight of sections after+gripper

Total lift = ( ∑(lifting power of a section n) )

The experiment to find the real lift is to pick a box of nails ( or any other kind of small dense objects ) and mesure the weight of a single nail and the box. I prefer nails which weights 10g and 10nails which weight 1g.

Put 400g in the box and try to lift it. [If it lifts, add half of the weight; if it doesn’t half the weight. ] Repeat bracketed section After 5-6 iterations you should have a 2% accurate estimate of the real weight it can lift. You can iterate again to get a better estimate, but probably the battery won’t be full as the first iteration.

Both methods are useful, as math it’s useful when choosing servos and designing the arm, the experiment it’s useful to see if math it’s correct with less trial and errors as possible.




Ok, thanks! I will do that

Ok, thanks! I will do that in a few weeks when I get home.

Good work

I have a picture of a robotic arm in a science book that i would really like to build but unfortunately i cant because i dont have access to parts and i dont know to program since ive never made any robots before or robot arm before.