Robotic arm parameters

Dear all

Could I please get the parameters for AL5B manipulator. As you can see from the attached, this has three links so what I need to know is the length, mass, moment of inertia for each link?. I know there is a picture (attached) shows the ‘A’ & ‘B’ lengths but in fact I think ‘B’ should be two links not just one?

Many thanks

Mass: This needs to be calculated - do you need to include the motors?
Interia: This needs to be calculated, unfortunately we do not have that readily available.

Correct, it should be to the wrist rotate.

Thanks for your reply Coleman. Yes please include motors and what are the masses without the motors as well?.

805BB (shoulder): … motor.html
Weight (g/oz): 152/5.26

755HB (elbow):
Weight (g/oz): 110 /3.88

645MG (wrist): … motor.html
Weight (g/oz): 55.2 /1.94

422 (gripper): … motor.html
Weight (g/oz): 45.5/1.6

The weight of each bracket used would take quite a bit longer to provide. All brackets can be found here:
You would know which parts are used where by referring to the assembly guide.
Note that many include two in a pack, so you need to divide the weight by two.

Ex: ASB-205 and ASB-203 are used to connect the shoulder to the elbow: … -pack.aspx … -pack.aspx
The weight of each pari is 0.3lbs, therefore the weight of one of each bracket would also be 0.3 (0.13Kg) including hardware.

Thanks so much Coleman. I just now need the inertia of the parts! :slight_smile:

You would need to calculate these unfortunately. We offer some of the models in 3D CAD if it helps: