A robot Easy and simple in terms of structure and operation mechanism .

  • In the attached images parts or plates where extracted materials, such as the engine SOME LEDs , pushbuttons , and the eccentric mechanism , nothing bought only by recycling things I had there, the gearbox is modified which I adapted a system appreciated pulleys. Wanted to show that recycling can make good robotic mechanism is only a matter of view that things can be useful. the project of course is subject o improvements as observed initial tests are running but can even turn making him clear some modifications. He wanted me to appreciate the operation and when not depend on drivers but on its own as drivers if they see the video stop the march and observed a little awkward.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Welcome to LMR

Welcome to LMR, robot looks awesome but unfortunately I have no idea what it does or how it works as I cannot read any of the info you’ve provided :frowning:

The primary language for LMR is English, if you are able to translate the post, i’m sure more people would be interested and ask questions :slight_smile:


It’s almost a mix of a grasshopper (walking) and something else robotic. Can you edit your post to be in English? If not, we’ll need to do it.

thanks friends, if it was a

thanks friends, if it was a mistake on my part. thanks for the suggestions and appreciate my modest work

thanks friends, if it was a

thanks friends, if it was a mistake on my part. thanks for the suggestions and appreciate my modest work

About the steering

Dear Sir, how this turn left or right ? what’s the steering ?

Can the robot turn to the

Can the robot turn to the left and the right hand? ¿ it the question?


If to that that you do reference, it turns out well adding another motor instead of having one … each motor would control the other game of paws … you that way can spin it towards the right or to the left, my dear friend


For the moments this reverse gear and for advance … with a very motor I make out the control of the two games of paws … but you can get the left-wing movements and right with two motors … if you stop both of them, work you turn in a sense and the opposite if the other one goes down to end…