Robot with no name

this is a long way from being complete

it still needs a brain (most likely arduino clone)

planing on geting a motor shield(for the arduino clone)

it will have an ultrasonic rang finder (will peek out the center hole)

and bump switches ect.

my goal is to stuff as many applications into the bot as posible

anyone have an idea on what the name will be?

back side:


i got a package in the mail

the package  has A begenner kit to arduino,motor sheild, left/right bump switches,sonar, and an mp3 mini player.

Will update soon but I must go learn arduino.


this robot is retired before use,

i did make and program a robot just not this one.

I will post it later (not today maybe not tomorow but in the future,)

if you want to see it before i make a write up here is a video


it does nothing at the moment

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

**A Maxsonar module may fit **
The Maxsonar may fit the hole.

Is that an rc car base? If so, what type? Is it 4wd or 2 and front steering?

rumble robot

its a base from a Rumblerobot its skid steer (like the start here robot)

you can get them cheaply here

thats more than i wanna spend on a sonar

holy smoke thats exspensive for a sonar i was thinking more on the lines of this

I only use the $3 sr04’s myself now :slight_smile:


Bluetooth for remote control

Bluetooth and infrared are great for remote control and debug! Names can be boxy, bumpy, rumbler,…



if i make it RC most likely infrared as tv remotes are cheap and have directinal keys

i plan to get this kit

as you can see the kit includes infrared

i think for this aplacation

i think for this aplacation thats as cheap as its gonna get 

His comment about Bluetooth

was covering more than remote control. He mentioned debugging as well. IR remote control is typically one way. Bluetooth is bidirectional.



**i agree **

you make a good point, with that being said peizo/spaekers work for basic debuggging,

but i’m getting ahead of myself i’m a beginner and I will cross that bridge when i get there.

till next time


I see your chassis is pretty

I see your chassis is pretty big, are you planning to add any credit card size board such as raspberry pi or mars board ?

what motors did you use ?