well, Im not using a regualar tipman, its a spider X3, fully automatic. I think it will move the bot around quit a bit. But you could be right. Hmm, maybe they arent that neccessary…Anyway,s other add ons such as a laser pointer and massive LED potlights will be added as well as a camera on the gun. I was also thinking of how 200rpm 160 oz inch torque motors will be able to move a Co2 cylander and paintball gun around pretty fast… Do you think they are sufficient? I already have them.

If your bot weights at least 15 pounds, which it will, you won’t need to ancor it at all. Ask me how I know… :slight_smile:

IDT it will wiegh 15lbs…I scaled it down dramatically. Its going to be just a little bigger than my present Spy 2 rover. See the image again. Note that the diameter of the track sprockets are about 3 inches with the tracks. Its not going to be much bigger than the gun itself…

Batteries, motors, structure, electronics, turret motors, bodywork, etc.
It gets heavy fast.

I’d be inclined to build the basic bot first, and then add anchors only if it turns out that they’re needed. After all, it seems to be sort of a bolt-on solution in the first place. Even just mounting the marker low on the chassis can change the dynamics enough to alleviate the need for recoil compensation of any sort.

That will work deffinately. Im deffinately seeing the capabilities of eveything before adding on extra stuff.

UPDATE: Ive decided to go with battery operated Pellot Guns, instead of a paintball gun becuase of size and weight differences. Here are the ones available near me:



The cool thing about these is they look real, I just hope im not doing anything illegal :open_mouth: lol.

Than again… :smiling_imp: :imp: :smiling_imp:

To press the trigger, im going to have a servo or linear actuator press down and release, but im not sure how to control it or which ones to choose that are cheap…

Anyways, this will be the pan and tilt used, it can hold up to 2lbs and is normally used for digital cameras: … ystem.html

Ill have 2D’s up soon! FEEDBACK ENCOURAGED, just dont hate on my project, lol :smiley:

u can us a motor to make the trigger move, u set up an off set circle thing onto the motor output, and make it turn, it will make the trigger go

Ahh, I understand!

with a paintball gun it’d work much better in terms of most paintball marker’s rate of fire capacity…

a disc with 2 offset pegs or screws inside the triggerwell that contact the trigger on every revolution will also work very well.

Thats a cam. :smiley:

Well Im concerned about the wheel always comming in contact with the trigger. Im thinking these ideas will slip off and not work afterwards. Is there a setup that will always stay in contact with the trigger?

Just as suggested, a cam, but make it a smaller diameter so the lateral distance traveled by the trigger is small. And mount a ball bearing where it contacts the trigger for friction free operation. :slight_smile:

While I was making models I realised im going to need a “trigger pusher” that can move with the gun on the pan and tilt system. This pretty well puts motors out of the question because they are too heavy… Are linear actuators cheap and how can I controll them without having to buy new carrier boards?

What is a cam? And what setup do you suggest? :wink:

That would work. :smiley:

Lol, thx beth! Im slow to learning new things…

Heres an Update on the models. I still am going to add the CAM setup now and make the tracks 3D.

Dont laugh, its not exactly to scale :cry:

Its got the laser pointer on the Gun, but I still have to add lights and other small details…


If you want the most out of your tilt servo, you will want to mount the gun on it’s CG (Center of Gravity) . Mounted as you have it, the servo will literally let it fall downward but will struggle bringing it back up. The weight is too far from the center of rotation.

If you mount it as though you wanted it to balance on the pivot point of your tilt, the servo will have no problem slinging it quickly up and down.

I wasn’t going to mention it but I designed a Paintball/Airsoft Turret to support the pan and tilt of a 20 pound payload. It uses less than 5 pounds of torque to move the turret at .95 sec/90deg. Balance is the key. Then it’s like the servos aren’t moving anything but fighting momentum when it stops or changes direction. You will increase the speed, accuracy and efficiency of your pan/tilt.
It will also greatly improve your accuracy and reduce bounce when aiming while moving, if the payload is centered on the pivot points. I know you can’t put the guns CG in the center of the tilt pivot, because of the pan/tilt design you are using, but having it balanced over the pivot point is better than nothing and will still be a big improvement.

If you don’t plan on using video tracking, I can explain a simplified method, based loosely on my Assault Vehicle’s target locking, that you can implement to keep the pan/tilt from loosing position even when the rover is moving or climbing obstacles. It’s a very simple but effective setup method that isn’t dead on accurate but is much cheaper than a true target locking system. Drop me a PM if you’re interested. I also have custom aluminum and CF pan/tilt systems designed specifically for paintball and Airsoft guns. And they can spin an infinite 360 degrees.


It looks like your turret is going to be fairly front-heavy, and will wilt as soon as either positioning commands or power are removed from it. Even if supplying a continuous stream of positioning pulses won’t be a problem, the tilt servo will have to work constantly to keep it there.

Pick up a dumbbell, and hold it level, supporting it only by one end. Gets heavy after a while, doesn’t it? Now grab it in the middle, and keep it level. Lots easier, isn’t it?

Your design might benefit greatly from devising a way to counterbalance the paint/pellet gun, either with the trigger actuation mechanism, or with its own mass. I’d build the trigger mech as a single unit with the gun, and then mount the entire assembly as a unit, in such a way that the center of mass is close to the pivot point of the tilt mechanism. This may well mean mounting the gun slightly off-center, but if you plan to have a camera mounted coaxially with the weaponry, you might be able to balance some of that offset, as well.

Edit: Yeah - What Evolution said (though he types faster than I do)

hmmm, well im not sure the gun will be THAT heavy, and i will be using the 40 $$ kind servos… The only thing im really worried about is the motor CAM assembly…