I want really big tracks for like a 15lb-20 lb robot. Bassically a really big bot with a paintball gun attached. Im the kind of guy that wants to build a robot that will scare the negihbors. lol, but seriously LM tracks or bassically every other tracks I have found are much too small. Are there any big and rugged tracks out there for robots? Ill give more details of the bot after Ive designed and if I can get the cash after working this summer I am deffinately building it, so long as it isnt over 2000 dollars or so.

Do an ebay and google search for “snow blower tracks” to see a size that might be of interest. If you live where it snows, you probably can find new/used ones.

I’ve searched extensively for medium sized tracks. Somewhere in the 3 to 5" width, and about 2 to 4 feet between sprockets. There really isn’t much.

There are alot of small toy tracks and then the lynxmotion tracks are the next best. After that, they kind of jump up to high drag tracks like the snowblowers use.

You can buy Scale Tank Tracks that are custom made for the 1/5 and 1/6 scale R/C Tank boys, but the tracks start around $1200 since they have alot of detail put into them. I know that lynxmotions source for their tracks can make them in almost any width. I’m working on getting some 4 to 5" wide tracks, possibly through Jim.

The thing I don’t like about the snowblower tracks is that they are VERY heavy, and VERY thick. They are designed to push a snowblower, right. And they are very limited in length. A 4"wide track that is only 28" long with huge sprockets, really isn’t very useful.

I have seen a few robots using these tracks other than the Machine Lab robots pictured here:

I’d be interested in finding out where exactly these tracks come from and where you buy them. I’ve seen them in a few different lengths with sprockets that looks very similiar.

Thanks evo. I aagree with you on the snoblower tracks completely. Thanx for the info.

I had assumed that they were strickly Machine Lab track systems only available with their rovers. But I have seen 1 or 2 other vehicles that use a track and sprocket almost identical to them.

I wish there was someone that sold just tracks in this size and strength. The sprockets can be very easily reproduced out of plastic. Then the tracks just have to be molded by a rubber company.

yup. If I knew how, I would mold my own sprockets and tank tracks myself.

If you’re looking for “big” as in wide, how about just mounting two sets of the wide Lynxmotion treads side-by side to double the width from 3" to 6"?

If you’re interested in moldingyour own tread elements, there are a number of books out there that discuss casting in various materials. Some of the aspects of one material may not apply for another, but the basic concepts are usually quite similar. If you’re interested in casting links in resin, you can still learn a lot from a book that talks about casting in metal, though your mold materials and processes may differ significantly. I learned a lot about casting figures in white metal from silicone molds, from a book that detailed casting in brass and neoprene for purposes of automotive and antique restoration.

I was thinking of taking LM tracks and doubleing them. It would work as long as I inserted a long metal rod in the holes and than capped them with the push pins. It would look a little silly though, but I think it would work fine.

One possibility would be to find a worn out but intact snowmobile track and slice it down the middle to make two tracks. The drive sprockets look somewhat inexpensive.

They look great but thats completely out of my price range. I think Im going to scale it back. Im drawing new designs now, Ill have them uploaded for some feedback from you guys.

no offense, but good luck slicing oe of those babies down the middle, so incredibly tough, they have to be with all the crap they go through

LOL, Thats exactly my point

I think they could be sliced if one is really determined. I see used snowmobile tracks on ebay for less than $50, but shipping is high. Not a toy type project.

i once saw a neato way online that invovled 4 bike chains and those little pieces of metal that are on xylaphones :stuck_out_tongue:

its looked pretty rad though if i do say so myself

Well here is my design. Much smaller and cheaper, I can also use my existing 200RPM LM gearhead motors and scorpion motor controller and RC system. Also, do you know where to get 6mm rods, this project is going to need a couple for the 2 inch foam tires and idlers. Also, how would I attach them to the bot? thanks. Feedback appreciated.

BTW, this bot dosnt have the paintball gun mounted, that would take too long to draw. LOL, so I will add that later, or maybe use a pellot gun for starting off.

to tell u the truth i think ud be better off with first using some standoffs and then linking the rods between those 2 pieces of material

and u could thread rod with a die kit, my dad has one, im not sure about prices though

and finally, i picked up some rods at my local hardware store, nice and cheap :slight_smile:

well first off the rods are for the 2 inch LM foam tires, and they need to be attached to the robot by drilling a hole and some how securing them in the bot. Any ideas?

yea, u can do this:

tell me if u need a clarification :laughing:

well its somewhat confusing. Ok, here is what Ive got so far. Get 6mm rods, make a flat part on one end to screw into hubs better. Than stick on wheels. The other end goes into the robot, and put a nut to tighten it on. seems good, as long as I can find 6mm threaded rods.

im sure u can, not threaded rods thogu, they are bad, they are all floppy and crap, ill talk to u on MSN to clarafy it better