Robot toy for children

Hey there, I was looking for a suggestion
My kid want me to buy him a robot for christmas, He is 11yo so not something to destroy the world or something hehe…

Anyway any suggestions are welcome!

Do you have an idea of how much you’d like to spend (USD)?
Do you know what kind(s) of robot(s) he might prefer the most (wheels, tracks, arm, programming)?
Any other details about likes / dislikes would be helpful.

In the meantime:
Elementary schools: … hools.html
High schools:

I think it could be for 2 purposes. Whether it is for fun or educational purposes (like need to utilize for programming or something). My niece (9 years old) used to play with BB8 droid (design from sphero). I think it is fun for kids to explore and play around. it has so many function like voice instructions, deliver message and so many things. If you could explain more, maybe it could be easier for expert here to suggest. I still newbies in this forum :slight_smile: