Robot to sense perimeter and motion


I have an area of land that is 200 feet wide by 250 feet long. It is perfectly rectangular. It is an uneven grassy area. A remote control dune buggy can traverse the land with a little bit of difficulty. Numerous geese fly into this area. They fly in approximately two to three times a day. By running in their direction it causes the geese to take flight.


To scare the geese away without any manual intervention. Specifically: (1) Not having to use a transmitter with joy sticks to control the operation of the robot; (2) Have the robot sense the corners of the land area similar to a Roomba vacuum cleaner; (3) Have the robot detect movement within the land area; (4) Have the robot move in the direction of the coordinates where the motion was detected.

The robot does not need to determine if the motion detected is a goose. Ninety percent of the time it will be a goose and ten percent a deer. The robot should be at least twelve inches high and at least twelve inches wide. This will be sufficient to get the geese to fly away.


If reasonable, from a technology and price perspective, tracks rather than wheels would be preferred. Some form of audio (scare) capability would also be preferable.

The speed at which the device moves should be approximately the speed at which a person jogs.

The robot should be waterproof.

Robot should come “home “ when no motion is detected.

Robot battery life should be minimum of 20 minutes.


So as to not reinvent the wheel, is there something off the shelf that can be purchased to do this job? If not, what should be purchased that has the capability to be modified to bring the purchased item to a point where it can accomplish the objective?

We do not have anything off the shelf for this application - if you cannot find something suitable elsewhere, you might need to consider designing and building a custom robot. An alternative would be to hack a robot lawn mower, removing the spinning blades, adding tracks etc.