Robot Sumo: The Official Guide by Pete Miles

Robot Sumo: The Official Guide by Pete Miles

What is this book?

From the back cover:

Plan, design, and build your own Sumo bot!

Create powerful and innovative Sumo or Mini-Sumo robots using this one-of-a-kind resource. Featuring complete coverage of the rules and regulations of this increasingly popular competitive sport, this authoritative guide will show you what it takes to build a Sumo robot from beginning to end. Packed with helpful diagrams, schematics, sample programs, and action photos of robots from around the world, this book explains where to get the best parts and components for your bot, building specifications for the Dohyo (the Sumo ring), gearing and traction methods, motors, speed controllers, high quality sensors, programming strategies for robotic combat, and much more. Now you can experience the excitement of the fastest-growing robot sport in the world!

]Learn the definitive rules to Robot Sumo, the fastest-growing amateur robotics competition in the world /:m]
]Find out where to get good quality robot parts /:m]
]Understand how motors work, select the right motor for your robot, and learn to control it /:m]
]Turn your robot into a remote-control bot using radio control components /:m]
]Build and use a wide variety of sensors, well-suited for Robot Sumo /:m]
]Optimize offensive and defensive skills in your robot through different programming strategies /:m]
]Learn valuable tricks to give your Sumo robot the competitive edge/:m]

Where can I find this book?

Your local library might have this book, though I don’t know how likely that is. If the library is part of the inter-library loan program, they might be able to get it for you. A college library would be much more likely than a city public library to have a copy of this book.

The ISBN information is:

ISBN-10: 007222617X
ISBN-13: 978-0072226171

You can buy a new copy from Amazon for ~$25, or a used copy on Amazon for less via their marketplace (sort of like eBay for books). I order textbooks all the time from the marketplace, and haven’t had any trouble so far! … 541&sr=8-1