Robot starter kit IR sensor reading

I bought the starter kit recommended on the webiste and put everything together everything was going fine until i got to hook up the IR sensor and get its readings back.

all im getting is 242-245ish it seems like its oscillating at the top end of the readings, dosent matter if you cover the sensor or not the readings just keep oscillating.

can anyone tell my if i have a bad sensor or whats going on? i appreciate the help!


These devices consume about 20ma average current. Unfortunately, they consume about 200ma while active which is about 10% of the time. This might be a significiant load on your power supply, especially if it is being powered by the USB.

1. Do you have access to a scope?
2. Can you post your code and wiring?
3. Which model IR device?
4. Is you CPU 3.3V or 5V?

okay so to answer some

okay so to answer some questions

i dont know what a scope is

my code was 


readadc 0, b0


goto main

Model IR device:

Sharp Analog Distance Sensor 20-150cm



5v power supply 4xAA rechargable.


i noticed the wiring was not correct and fixed it before i attached the wires.



not sure how to upload a picture

sooo i tried to upload a picture but it didnt work. under image URL i clicked browse>choose file>upload file but after it loaded it said no files were uploaded. 

so i put some pics on photobucket and thought i could just share a link to the picture but its just sharing my whole photobucket

Hardware debug

Ossipee - Do you have the hardware and time to duplicate his jig? I can duplicate on PIC & Arduino.

still cant upload pictures

i followed the instructions linked to me. it will say its uploading then when it reaches %100 it will say no files uploaded