Robot Roundup - Are you still doing your own chores? | RobotShop Community

If you grew up watching Hanna Barbera’s futuristic 1962 cartoon, The Jetsons, you might wonder where our version of Rosey the Robot is today. The show was actually set in the year 2062 – so we’ve still got 45 years to catch up with the flying cars, 9 hour work week of simply pushing buttons,

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There was no where to like this post, so i figured i would post a comment. Lovely writeup.

I also wanted to ask, what pool cleaning robot would you recommend for a Commercial Pool Cleaning company that wants its pool cleaning to be done by robots?
The robot should be able to clean the pool floors, pool walls and waterline.
If not, then maybe you can recommend a couple of robots that their combined work will accomplish the objective.

I hope to read from you soon.

-Ade Okupe

@Adenrewaju Okupe Thank you for your great comment. We suggest you to use our Comparison table to compare the Commercial Pool Cleaners and find the robot that fits your needs.

I had a neato Loved it. Going to get me another one
Now I am waiting for housekeeper robot. Need one really