Robot Party - Motion & Distance Sensing Part 1

At last night's Robot Party the theme was motion & distance sensing! We had a great turnout with some really fantastic knowledge shared about ultrasonic and IR sensors. You can see all the video clips in this playlist, also see some screenshots in this flickr set.

If you have a robot that you want to share, we encourage you to come to the Robot Party! Next week will be the second part of the Motion & Distance Sensing theme, and we will open the votes to a new theme! Hope to see you there!


The Robot Party is a weekly Google+ hangout where robot builders and enthusiasts discuss the robots that they are building and share their knowledge with others. Every two weeks you can vote on a new theme for the following parties.


The Robot Party is held every Thursday at 8PM ET. The hangout is mirrored to the Robot Party on Ustream: so you can watch without joining the hangout.  For more information, check out :) 


Join the discussion on Twitter: #RobotParty



Thanks for hosting! Your

Thanks for hosting (and posting)! Your robot parties are great events.