As i side project while waiting for some parts to arrive, and while I’m working on a redesign of a project 'i thought i would make some eyes. Dont know why, but i’m putting it down to boredom!
So many ideas but so little “Real” time and money to do them.
I thought id post some progress on the rig.
I feel the length is too long so i might shorten those longer rods.
I’d like to make this a very compact rig.
The side and centre brackets will house the eyelids.
The funny thing is im really not sure what im building. LOL
I built the eye rig but still i have no idea what its for. originally i was going to rebuild that animatronic hawk i did but with full animation. The plan was or still is, is to work with a taxidermist who contacted me about the original project and we talked about me building a rig or mechanical armature and then he was going to feather it for me.
With this setup i have built im not sure its right for that project for a number of reasons but thats not important at the moment and i realise there are a few areas that require more discipline.
Even with my unorthodox approach to this i have started making up the underskull. lol
Also you will notice the balljoints have been moved.