Robot Eyes ...(animatronic)

As i side project while waiting for some parts to arrive, and while I’m working on a redesign of a project 'i thought i would make some eyes. Dont know why, but i’m putting it down to boredom! :smiling_imp:

Here are the Wire-frame Designs for the control mech:
Top: Eye movement
Side: Eye movement
Top: Eyelid movement
Side: Eyelid movement

Im using U-joints to the rotations of the eyes.
Here i have taken a U-Joint and grinded off the little tab:

Eye Ball 22mm (halfs)
With Pull Pull System connected:

U-Joint Connected:

**here i am practising making the small blood vessels on the eye, iv gone a bit overkill with them but i was testing to see how they would look.
This is done by using thin strands of red silk. directly glued to the surface.


You toss off new projects faster than the rest of us can keep track of them.

I like this new one and would like to see it in motion. I’m worried though, I think your disembodied eyes may have a drinking problem. :open_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue:

So many ideas but so little “Real” time and money to do them. :frowning:

I thought id post some progress on the rig.
I feel the length is too long so i might shorten those longer rods.
I’d like to make this a very compact rig.
The side and centre brackets will house the eyelids.

The white stuff in a resin im using to lock tight the screws. used rather more than i intended. lol

Damn dude, that is awesome.

funny enough iv just composed a video of them working. ill post once its uploaded.
here are some images.

But but but… You can’t do this!!!

LOL, i could swap a few ball joints about yes.

**PREVIEW: **Another set.

Just lids. The eye ball will not require any animation in the project:

im still making the lid covers and these will be added shortly.

And yes a video as well:

But but but… You can’t do this!!!

LOL, i could swap a few ball joints about yes. :laughing:

“Looks” AWESOME! :wink:

Thanks man. More to come, shortly followed by another “But But but…” comment from Jim. :wink:

The funny thing is im really not sure what im building. LOL

I built the eye rig but still i have no idea what its for. originally i was going to rebuild that animatronic hawk i did but with full animation. The plan was or still is, is to work with a taxidermist who contacted me about the original project and we talked about me building a rig or mechanical armature and then he was going to feather it for me.

With this setup i have built im not sure its right for that project for a number of reasons but thats not important at the moment and i realise there are a few areas that require more discipline.

Even with my unorthodox approach to this i have started making up the underskull. lol

Also you will notice the balljoints have been moved.

It’s not the balljoint that i want on the pic…


Oh man…!!!

ill continue at the original project page…