I am going to build a robot are for a rover and was wondering what tourque range I should use for motors. I am planning on using something like the lynxmotion spur gear motors. I am not interested in ANYTHING that uses any sort of servo pulse or I2C. So no SEC gear motor servos.
I can make an H-bridge for each motor if I have to so control is no problem. The arm would be made of 3/16 inch(or similar) 6061 Al with two panels per segment. I would cut holes to make it lighter. It would be very similar to the lynx 6 arm, same number of axis. The two main sections would be about 30cm long.
My main convern is the elbow and shoulder, I would expect it to be able to lift 1.5pounds.
Would the GHM-04 be enough or would I need a bigger motor?
Doing some rough calculations, I don’t think the GHM-04 with a 99 oz-in stall torque will work. With a total 60 cm (~24 in) possible horizontal extention with 1.5 lb (24 oz) load in the end, the torque at the shoulder pivot point would be (24 in)(24 oz) = 576 oz-in. This doesn’t include weight of other components of the arm, such as the elbow motor or a gripper on the end.
If you are needing to do heavy lifting, maybe you should consider using linear actuators for the shoulder and elbow. I’m not sure about real world performance, but the force specs indicate they might be an alernative choise.