Robot Arm Selection

Hello guys,

I am searching for a robotic arm. The application is to test out IMU sensor (attach it to the end of robot arm).

The followings are my requirements:

  1. The arm needs to be very articulate and use real time OS.
  2. I need to see the data (i.e. sector value for the axis) in real time.
  3. It needs to be 6 axis or above.
  4. Payload does not matter since only a small sensor will be attached.

Experts! please give me some suggestions.



Well, the best place to start would be in our Robotic Arms & Grippers category. You can find it here. That being said, our most precise ones are most likely the professional grade ones, such as RB-Rbs-187, RB-Sro-02 and RB-Sro-01. The two SRO we have listed are 5-axis only, but it is possible to obtain 6-axis version from this manufacturer. The SRO arms may be the best considering your requirement #1/#2, since it includes a very good quality controller hardware and software that you can connect to.
