Robot #0

This is my first blog entry. My first experience with robotics was helping build a Heathkit Hero 1 back in 1982. Now, I am ready for my second experience!

I've been gathering data for the past few weeks and decided to take the plunge. I just got a Parallax Boe-Bot (rev.D) kit. It was fun putting it together and getting the hang of programming and I/O. I figure the BOE will keep me entertained for a month or more. As this is my first solo experience, my BOE-Bot is being numbered Robot #0. When I get a chance, I'll post a few pictures of this mischevious little scamp that terrorizes my dogs.

After the BASIC Stamp on the BOE, I want to play with the Arduino so Robot #1 will (hopefully) be based on the DAGU Beginner's Robot Chassis and the DG_Arduino board. Might as well start out with the Beginners Robot Chassis Challenge.

After that, I think I'll play with PICAXEs. Might as well acquaint myself with three of what seem to be the most popular chips.

I look forward to learning from and contributing to this site as I advance my nefarious plot for Global Domination Through Tiny Cybernetics...Mwahahahahahaaaaaa!


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Welcome Bob

As much as we applaude your hunger for learning different programming languages, we applaude one other thing even more: video skills…

Welcome on board!

Hey, goofybob. Welcome to

Hey, goofybob. Welcome to LMR.

Nice start with your #0. I hope we see even more from you soon.

Oh, and I 2nd rik’s note. Let’s see some video!

Welcome to LMR

My first kit bot was a BOE-Bot. I loved it to get my feet wet. I now use the Propeller but would like to try the Arduino also.

Good to see you here

Thank you all for the welcome.

I’ve been having a blast learning robotics and this site is full of awesome! So many great people and ideas…so little time!

I’ve picked up a PING and PIR module to experiment with and am adding another tier to my 'bot with a larger solderless breadboard (the one integrated onto the BOE is really dinky). Also waiting on a shipment of servos.

Pictures and vid are still forthcoming. My youngest is getting married on July 3rd so we have been a bit busy with prep. I offered my robot as the ringbearer but she politely declined. Can’t understand why…