i am planing to buy ROBONOVA, but i wanna use it whit secondary mikro (the MR-C3000 controled by other mikro)
is that posibble?
is that any source code that suport that?
I don’t know the answer. The RoboNova is not a real popular robot on this forum.
If I understand your question, I believe you are still wanting the MR-C3000 to control the servos on your robonova, but you wish for another processor to somehow issue commands or the like to the MR-C3000. This is for sure possible. You could for example connect the two processors using the serial port. Or you could try connecting them in other ways (SPI, I2C, setting IO lines…). It has been a few years since my Robonova has been out of a box, so I am rusty and I have not kept up with the information.
As for programs to do this, I don’t have any. You might want to try looking up at the forums on RoboSavy.
Good Luck
so what popular robots?
yes that i mean, thank you
so what your advice if i wanna use an humanoid robot kit that can be controled by other processor?
(is there any kind robots that can manipulate like that?)
i still newbie
The Biped BRAT seems to be the most popular and easily customized (biped class) bot on these forums.