Robomobil made from trash 8)

Robomodil made from trash:
2 motors with gear from CD-ROM
2 wheel caps from bottles of oil
2 Li-ion battery from old mobile phones
1 stepper motor from CD-ROM
2 driver motors L293DNE
...a few LED and other things..


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I like your creations.

I like your creations. Craftsmanship is art and art is craftsmanship. Everything else is neither the first nor the second.

That is a nice piece of art

That is a nice piece of art and a nice entry to LMR. Welcome ukmano!

I really would love to see more details about this robot, especially the mechanic parts as I am sure many others would love to see it too. Building robots out of trash (there is no trash bin in hobby robotics, only a treasure box :-D) is a good exercise with a lot of options to make nice sculpture like art pieces.

I do have a question about the sensors (would be good to see more details there too). Are you using IR LED’s and receivers? If so, how did you manage to make them reliable without getting jammed by the ambient light?

Thank you))…as for the

Thank you))
…as for the mechanics, then the robot for financial reasons, were selected parts as cheap and available… for wheels used belt gears from an old CD-ROM drive (approximately 1:6), the power to the motors stable 5V…
…all sensors is a pair of IR-diode + IR transistor. In addition to headlights and eyes the robot has sensors on the edges of the bumper and two on the center mode “Line trace”. All the lower sensors taken from an old PC mice.
…for protection from the noise of all the IR transistors made in a black case, it cuts off the light of the visible spectrum. Also each pair is configured to its sensitivity, depending on location(eye - visibility further, the bumper closer), configured it the pullup resistors.
…looking robots on the website LMR, I saw that there are more in the fashion of ultrasonic sensors, but they’re VERY expensive.

Thank you. We once build an

Thank you. We once build an IR distance sensor too. The range was very short. This IR signal we triggered it with 38kHz to avoid the noice by the sunlight.

in order for the IR

in order for the IR transistor did not react to sunlight, I’d put it in a metal tube (case of electrolytic capacitor), then very narrow focus sensor, which is sometimes very useful…


I love aesthetically pleasing robots!

**I’m glad you like it))) **

I’m glad you like it)))