RoboChair - A Proof-Of-Concept model Electric Wheelchair

I have embarked on a proof-of-concept project to build a model electric wheelchair. This model chair will have an onboard tablet computer that runs my application that will have many assistive features fro use by a person with major physical disabilities. If all works well an attempt to build a full-scale version will be built. A third party wrote a small article about my work

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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Hi @mndcommunicate!

Thank you for sharing your robot project!

Helping disabled people should be one of the most important goals of the robotics field!

We are looking forward to see it working :slight_smile:


This is a proof-of-concept project, the robotics is a small part of it.

A PC application will control the wheel chair and robotic arm, there will be many assistive functions that will help a person communicate as to their needs and problems. Monitor vital signs, control other devices such as a TV, play music/movies etc. Use an indoor position system to navigation to locations in a home or care facility by the click of a button , rather that struggle to control/navigate ta wheelchair. I I get all this working then e will move to a full size wheelchair. hahahaha who wants to sit around being bored. Keep having fun.

This project will take time; I have many jigsaw pieces that I now have to pull together. The arm and chair chassis are already working on my test computer application by clicking on buttons, or using a joystick or gazing at the screen; I have a Tobii EyeTracker 4C device that tracks my eyes and clicks the button when you hover on them.



Great initiative, congrats! Please, let the community knows your advances :grin:


Hi RoboCS

I shall be updating my topics soon.

Have a great week.



thanks Doug, look forward to any image or video demos once you have successfully completed the project. The goal is good !