RoboChair - A Proof-Of-Concept model Electric Wheelchair

Posted on 30/10/2019 by mndcommunicate
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I have embarked on a proof-of-concept project to build a model electric wheelchair. This model chair will have an onboard tablet computer that runs my application that will have many assistive features for use by a person with major physical disabilities.

If all works well, an attempt to build a full-scale version will be built. A third party wrote a small article about my work

Much of RoboChair is built using Tetrix MAX parts from Pitsco. I have mounted a LynxMotion LSS Robotic Arm on the front of RoboChair. This photos is the start, chassis and RoboArm only at this stage. I have a number of LSS ST1 servos on order and will build a seat that can be raised/lowered, rotated, tilted and the seat seat and legs can be raised/lowered.

I have a USB-UIRT Transceiver that can control IR devices such as TV’s, that will be mounted on RoboChair
Distance sensors will be added and a LiDAR unit for use in navigation and collision avoidance.

I also have some Estimote and MarvelMind Indoor Positioning System (IPS) navigation sensors to include in the solution.

I make use of a Tobii EyeTracker 4C eye gaze unit to control my application by look alone.

More updates will come as progress is made.

< coming soon >

The application software developed to control RoboChair and RoboArm, is written with Microsoft's Visual Studio 2019, VB.Net

Infragistics developer control are utilised in a Windows Form desktop application that will run on an HP 608 G1 Pro tablet PC that sits in RoboChair

Various SDK's for addressing components on RoboChair < will be listed later>

< coming soon >

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