Robobike 1.0

Hello LMR,

I just want you to show one of my current projects. It's a simple light-seeking robot that compares the input voltages oft two Pin's wich are connected to two LDR's. If more light is coming to the right one, the robot drives to the right.Same for left.If both values are nearly the same it will drive forwad.

The video shows a quick demonstration where I just point a flashlight to the ground and the robot drives toward it.

The components are :

  2:  3V dc motors

  1:  H-bridge

  1:  ATMEGA 8

  1:  old pencil

  some:  wires

  2:  LDR's

  1:  pressbutton

  1:  lever

  2: 10KOhm resistors

  1: 5V regulator

  2: capacitors (16V 100uf)

  1: LED


The lever is used to turn the power on/off, the button for switching the modes.For now it has got just one mode (lightseeker) but I'll add some more modes (control it with my RasPi, ..). As you can see it's designed to be powered by a 9V battery but my rechargeable batterys can't provide the needed current (600-900 ma) so I'm just using a 7,4V 600mah LiPo battery.

In the back you can also see the plug for the programmer.I'm using Atmel Studio for programming and a simple and cheap (3$) USBASP programmer.

I'll also add the code later but for now another picture :

Driving towards a light source

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Great Idea

Very nice, you could make it look like a mouse and have all kinds of fun. Like your idea, very creative.


I am planning to get it in my AT-AT or controlling it with my RasPi. But dressing it like a mouse and put it to a cat would be nice too!

Wow super simple construction!!!

Dear: Opidopi

Wow super simple construction I like it. Honestly I can’t beleive you used a pencil for a chassis. I enjoy any simple robot. Well done.

From: Noah


One cool thing of the pencil is that you can cut a hole in it to put the ATMEGA 8 and the H-bridge in.

Hey I did not know you could do that to a pencil.

Dear: Opidopi

Wow very cool. I did not know you could do that to a pencil without breaking the pencil and the lead. Cool!!!

From: Noah


Can you post an electric diagram of the robot? I can’t understand how the capacitors are placed.


The capacitors are soldered to the Pin’s of the 5V regulator.One from input to GND one form output to GND.The capacitors are 16V 100uf.But I’ll try to add an electric diagram.