Robo-Art: Walking Man

The main part of the robot (block gears) taken from the old model CD-ROM, which were not driven by a belt and through the gears. Microcontroller PIC 12F629. The robot walks straight(a little arc), and when it detects obstacles steps back, a little waiting and goes five forward. Functions a bit, just walking))




This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Too bad

Too bad you’re not famous else your art-bots would have been worth at least millions of rubels!


Great looking robot!

Very nice!

I like the attention to details in your bots, and you do a great job of hiding wires. Very imaginative!

way cool!

he’s so cute! I want one!

Ukraine is not Russia

Hryvnias. You are confusing countries.


Quite a mistake to make nowadays.

It seems to me that a robot

It seems to me that a robot that looks good will work well…I don’t really like robots who look like a bunch of electronics and wires on wheels!..

thank you)))

thank you)))

in Ukraine the national

in Ukraine the national currency - hryvnia, but also walk freely and rubles, dollars USA and euros.

I agree to any))))))))))

I would have gladly made a

I would have gladly made a robot for you, but I live on the opposite side of the globe), I don’t know what your rules for obtaining a Green Card for robots 8)))).

These are really awesome,

These are really awesome, great job! I love the faces of the robots, they really turn them into characters. It’s amazing that you got them to function as well. Keep up the good work!