Robo-Art: Hexapod HEXER

Hexapod Hexer was originally conceived as a simple and cheap robot(price $ 100) that does not require additional modules and blocks. The whole brain was collected on a single microcontroller PIC 16F887, powered by three batteries from the laptop, used the towerpro SG90 servo-motors. Controlled robot with a homemade remote control via bluetooth, also the robot can be controlled from a computer or smartphone. Remote made for PIC 16F873A, blutooth module HC-05, the battery from the cell phone. Also, wanted to make the most compact robot that was convenient to store. The time spent on creating a robot for about 1.5 months, from concept to results.

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Hexapod HEXER


VERY clean build. EVERYthing

VERY clean build. EVERYthing is simply aesthetic. I like your creatures VERY much.

really just fantastic. I am

really just fantastic. I am very very very amazed by your work. Thanks for posting this…

**Very nice!

I love the way**
Very nice!

I love the way it folds into a block.

I think the remote needs your artistic touch also.

Thank you. As the idea of a

Thank you. As the idea of a hexapod is not new, the main tasks in the construction were compactness, minimum number of parts, low price and most important is the feeling of the presence of “Life” in the technique.