Robo-Art: "BigFoot" Truck

A small remote-controlled truck, made of simple parts. Battery Li-Pol 70 mA, motors from old mobile phones, the PIC microcontroller 12F629A. Size LxWxH = 20 x 15 x 17 mm


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


That’s an incredibly small robot! Well done. It’s really impressive what you can make. Really, you only needed 1 IRled more to make it autonomous and you would have won the microbot challenge for sure. You continue to amaze us.

I’m really getting inspired to build something more arti and to reusing older parts instead of buying new. 

I thought about the sensor,

I thought about the sensor, but my microcontroller has only one port and remote control seemed more interesting for me, because with one sensor good autonomy still don’t get it. Most microcontroller not wanted so as not to increase the size of the robot.

nice to meet you,

i like the Tech After Art style.very inspiring!