
Hello! Here you got Robin, my first robot!

He can avoid objects and later he will be also able to follow lines.

He haves a 20M2 as brain, a Dagu Rover 5 as base and an IR range sensor with an servo to turn it left and right, to follow lines he haves 4 LDRs and 2 white LEDs.

I keep the robot together with some tape because it doesn't have yet a solid cover, also because it will be edited much because I will add new things to it, like some sensors near the track to see there are any object near the tracks because the IR range sensor can't see everything.

I have a lttle to-do list of addons, like:

  • adding sensors near the tracks (like I said aready)
  • adding a 40X2 as "big brains"
  • adding a OLED (or a LCD, but I think I will use an OLED) to reprogram the robot easier with some kind of memory stick.
  • adding a memory stick working with I2C
  • etc.

I have a lot of ideas but I don't post them all because it can take long to make it (and there could be problems of whatever).

I put the 20M2 on a prefboard so that I can easily modificate it, instead of a project board (You can modificate most project boards, I know, but a prefboard you can even modificate more!).

Of course I didn't made it without some problems, like I forgot to add a 100nF and a 100uF capacitor or used a damaged stereosocket (I melted it half because my solderpen was too hot and it seems also I just rammed a wire through it, that's why I coulnd't program it).

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Good work! This looks and

Good work! This looks and works better than my first bot!