
Posted on 19/06/2014 by doromdom
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Hello! Here you got Robin, my first robot! He can avoid objects and later he will be also able to follow lines. He haves a 20M2 as brain, a Dagu Rover 5 as base and an IR range sensor with an servo to turn it left and right, to follow lines he haves 4 LDRs and 2 white LEDs. I keep the robot together with some tape because it doesn't have yet a solid cover, also because it will be edited much because I will add new things to it, like some sensors near the track to see there are any object near the ...


Hello! Here you got Robin, my first robot!

He can avoid objects and later he will be also able to follow lines.

He haves a 20M2 as brain, a Dagu Rover 5 as base and an IR range sensor with an servo to turn it left and right, to follow lines he haves 4 LDRs and 2 white LEDs.

I keep the robot together with some tape because it doesn't have yet a solid cover, also because it will be edited much because I will add new things to it, like some sensors near the track to see there are any object near the tracks because the IR range sensor can't see everything.

I have a lttle to-do list of addons, like:

  • adding sensors near the tracks (like I said aready)
  • adding a 40X2 as "big brains"
  • adding a OLED (or a LCD, but I think I will use an OLED) to reprogram the robot easier with some kind of memory stick.
  • adding a memory stick working with I2C
  • etc.

I have a lot of ideas but I don't post them all because it can take long to make it (and there could be problems of whatever).

I put the 20M2 on a prefboard so that I can easily modificate it, instead of a project board (You can modificate most project boards, I know, but a prefboard you can even modificate more!).

Of course I didn't made it without some problems, like I forgot to add a 100nF and a 100uF capacitor or used a damaged stereosocket (I melted it half because my solderpen was too hot and it seems also I just rammed a wire through it, that's why I coulnd't program it).

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