RIP Lumni!

Lutz, LMR name: Lumni is ..dead!

Lumni was LMR member for 4 years and 15 weeks..

I (Frits) had the great pleasure of knowing him personally, we met different places around the world, have slept in tent together and he even visited me, and our kids played. I've also had the pleasure of meeting his older son.

I'm in a sort of state of shock as I'm writing this, so I'm sorry for not writing anything suitable.

RIP Lutz, thanks for everything, and big hugs to you.

My thoughts goes to your family.


Lumi always inspired

Lumi always inspired positive energy at LMR. He appreciated every little project, and was always curious about the next big thing that would happen in our robots. I am so gutted typing this out, as just days ago we chatted, talking about dinner at Shanghai soon.  I regret not having the chance to meet him in real life. RIP Lumi. 

Lumi was an inspiration

First time I entered here in LMR one othe firts I met onlin was Lumi.

With his projects and chat he showed me that anybody can try robotics and do more things that it expects.

He will be always an inspiration. R.I.P. Lumi.

My thoughts are with Lumi’s

My thoughts are with Lumi’s family, friends and the rest of LMR.

I knew him very little, but from what I did know, he was a good man. 

Sad day.


Another one of the Great

Another one of the Great Ones passed away :frowning:

A stand up guy and someone who actively and passively contributed to the greatness of this community!

My deepest sympathy to his family!

You my friend have prospered and I just hope you could have lived longer!

A sad day

A sad day for LMR.

Lumi inspired me to make robots.He had made wonderful contribution to the community.

I have the great sympathy for his family.

RIP Lumi!

Wow holy crap!!! He’s dead?

Dear: Webmaster

Wow I am in quite an amount of shock myself. I remember chatting with him on the lmr shoutbox and him complimenting me on my steampunk gizmo. RIP, Amen.

From: Noah

Its a shocking and sad news

Its a shocking and sad news when I wake up this morning. Lumi was one of great person in this society that helps with warm heart to others. He will truly be missed. Fairwell my friend.


I feel like i lost a good

I feel like i lost a good friend…
He was always really kind, helpful and warm with all.
He was putting smileys everywhere :slight_smile:

As he said

"I still want to write something else. I think many of you have the same feeling. Since the use internet, being a member of several online communities like LMR my view of things changed. Many years agou in times of no internet (yeah, i am in that age) you heard some news report about an earth quake, a storm or a wild fire somewhere in the world. Ok, that’s far away you thought and you never really got the whole picture.

Now you have internet, you have youtube with all that in almost real time. But the most important part (at least for me) is the sudden proximity. Why’s that you may ask? Well, just look around LMR, there are peaple from Nepal, India, China, USA, Germany, France, Spain and who know what distant country and if you are and active LMRian you may know some of them by chatting in the SB or exchanging emails or comment. That makes such disasters a personal disaster since you could face that one of your online friends gets hurt or worst."

If it there wasn’t LMR i’d never heard of him, of you all, and this would be an everyday evening.
But i was reading his comments, projects, chatting…
Now it happened the worst.
But i’m happy he was here, helping and smiling.

Thanks Lumi. :’-)


Thanks Lumi for all the kindness you have given me, and the charity over the years!

Though I did not know him

Though I did not know him well, in the short time that I have been a member of LMR, I had come to know him as a very kind and creative man. His creations, which I always thought were elegant in their simplicity, both amazed and inspired me. It saddens me to know that he is gone. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.

Very sad news indeed…
I’m very sad to hear of this. Having read many of Lumi’s posts I can tell he was a genuinely great guy and his contributions to this community have been immense. My condolences to his family and loved-ones, both online and off.

He always had a kind word to

He always had a kind word to encourage evrey little project.

His work has inspired a lot of us here, even for very humble projects.

All my kind thoughts to your family, I’ll miss you.

RIP Mr Lumi.Thank you for

RIP Mr Lumi.

Thank you for all the knowledge and robots you’ve shared on LMR.

I just heard. This is so

I just heard. This is so sad. He was an amazing and very talented person. 


RIP Lumni


Wow just caught this and greatly saddened,  Many thanks for the support and inspiration given.

It is an amazing testament

It is an amazing testament to Lumi as a person and robot inventor that he inspired and helped so many people who never had the honor of meeting him.  He was always positive, curious about other’s projects and willing to give advice.  His very cool insect robots will live on as testament to his inventiveness, his caring warmth a reminder to make us all strive to be better people.

My thoughts and prayers to Lumi’s family.  



**Cried **
He was a friend of mine — Bob Dylan

He was my friend. I am

He was my friend. I am shocked…He has a family, a small daughter. How can this be that the good ones always have to die first…?

so sad

a few years a go i was on my first workshop out of town. Lutz was helpful at first, but almost instantly you just felt this connection to him - an instant bond. for me it was his child-like wonder combined with the calmness and grounding of an ancient soul, his passion for hacking and especially making understandable robots

this is a video from that robot workshop in xinchejian.

i dedicated it to you, Lutz