This remote represents my journey from knowing absolutley nothing about RF communications, to a little bit.
Built from scratch, the remote runs off a PICAXE 28X2 processor, powered by a pololu voltage boost. This means only one AA cell is required to run the device. It seemed a shame to tie up that lovely little (smaller than my very bitten thumb nail!) volt boost in just one project, so with a little prior thought, I constructed the remote with the intent that the volt boost would not have to be isolated to just this project. Video's explain all!
What is to come next: when my order arrives i'll also be adding an IR LED which opens the door to another level of control possibilities.
Thanks goes out to fritsl for a rock steady transmission protocol to build off, and to Rik for some good transmission related advice.
The corresponding transmitter and reciever codes are attached, but they are still a work in progress.
Progress shots (below videos)
Pull down resistors for inputs
This image is attached to that you can see it properly, under name "remote.jpg"
Has the potential to be a slave-master to any of my projects.
- Actuators / output devices: RF link 315MHz
- Power source: 1 AA cell
- Sensors / input devices: Mini momentary push buttons
- Target environment: Anywhere in range
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