Resistor sorter

The goal of this project is to automatically sort resistors in 66 different tubes, 60 tubes for the E12-series: 10, 12, 15, 18, 22, 27, 33, 39, 47, 56, 68, 82 ohm and six tubes for unknown and out of category resistors. It will be controlled by a PICAXE 28X1 chip. To measure the resistance a voltage divider is read with ADC by the picaxe chip (different compare-resistors is connected with relays: 100Ω,1kΩ,10kΩ,100kΩ,1MΩ). A belt drive will feed the resistors and a servo will hold them while measuring.

This is still in construction.

Sort resistors

  • Actuators / output devices: Servos
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
  • Sensors / input devices: ADC
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Great Project!
Great Project! I can’t wait to see how you put this all together. I could have used something like this a while back when I purchased an assortment of a couple thousand resistors and about went crosseyed checking color codes. My wife is still pissed off on that “project”. Good luck.

Wow, that’s something I’m

Wow, that’s something I’m sure every one of us needs. Can’t wait for more updates.


That is a really good

That is a really good project! What will you do when all of the resistors are in the tubes though?



Very interesting! :slight_smile: I
Very interesting! :slight_smile: I thought about similar device which contains a huge amount of resistors, capacitors, etc. and deliver to you component with nominal you entered in keyboard. Would be a good thing for lazy geeks… :smiley:

That would be cool,
Maybe you could make a similar design and let the resistors fall out underneath when you needed them - and add a second row (or more) for other components.

The tubes are loose, so I’ll
The tubes are loose, so I’ll just pick them up when I need the resistors.


I love it, great idea. Big PAT on the back!

I believe we should have more actual applications robots here, ofcorse it is a natural tendency to want to do a ROV but give it a purpose like this youknow…

Heck if it only sorted the wash or vacumed the floor let the cost of the build do something right?

[email protected]