Resistor Question

So, I've been continuing work on my SH Robot, and installed the resistor today to play with the servo. No response! I looked closely at the chip, and it's marked 331/471 rather than just 331. What's th difference here, and could it be the reason for my servo not responding? If I place a regular inline resistor so that the contacts in the ic socket are connected it works fine.


Thanks in advance!



I’m getting around

I’m getting around 400something (multimeter’s a bit wacky.) Which shouldn’t be screwing up servo, should it? I also am getting the same resistance between any 2 pins. Should these all have that sort of continuity?

I’m getting around

I’m getting around 400something (multimeter’s a bit wacky.) Which shouldn’t be screwing up servo, should it? I also am getting the same resistance between any 2 pins. Should these all have that sort of continuity?

Sorry for double-post. Not

Sorry for double-post. Not sure how to delete it.


Doing some more research it

Doing some more research it looks like I ended up with a 3-circuit resistor. The diagram shows several resistances all tied in together throughout the chip, rather than a series of isolated resistors. That’s fleabay for ya.

You’re right!

You can certainly just link across the pins you need with a 330R resistor - In fact the value isn’t critical and anything from 0 (i.e. a link) to 470 or so would work.  Having a resistor isolates the PicAxe pin from the servo to some degree and would protect it in case of a wrongly connected servo or servo failure.

That resistor pack you’ve got is vaguely familiar - It’s meant to be used as a pull-up / pulldown on a data bus of some type, but I can’t remember exactly the application. (ECL? Schottky TTL?)  I used them way back in the eighties.