Reeti, a communicative robot which shows emotions

REETI Disappointed by the lack of companionship offered by your current media center PC ? Imagine a body without arms or legs, topped by a silicone head which comes straight out of a cartoon strip. With his oversized eyes resembling a Japanese manga, his Shrek-like trumpet ears, plump cheeks and small heart-shaped mouth his face seems to be just right ! Reeti is a pcbOT, that is both a robot which can show feelings and a mulitmedia computer. Truly an expressive robot, his face shows an endless combination of emotions thanks to 15 axes situated on his neck, mouth, 2 interdependent eyes and his ears. His cheeks change colour according to his mood. Endowed with tactile sensors Reeti feels human contact. His eyes are provided with HD cameras which give him both precise vision and a 3D perception of his environment. This allows him to recognise and follow people and objects. Speech synthesis enables him to talk. His revolutionary and configurable artificial intelligence allows you to personalize him. Discover REETI : and « The coming years will be marked by the development of new applications/programmes for tablet or smartphone allowing you to control both robots and remote electronic devices. Reeti enables you to keep an eye on your home from your holiday resort, to communicate with relatives on video or via Facebook from an Ipad or Iphone » declares Christophe Rousset – President and founder of Robopec, the French company which invented Reeti. Reeti’s body is a real computer (HD500Go, Atom Ion dual core 1.8Ghz, WiFi, 4 USB two of which are USB3.0, HDMI and DVI, Ethernet Gigabyte audio 7.1 coaxial and optical). The connections are hidden in the base and a Blu-Ray/DVD engraver reader is concealed in his backpack. So you can use Reeti as a mulitmedia PC connected to a screen or television set and controlled with a keyboard and mouse. Connected to the Internet, Reeti is not only accessible from another computer but also via the 3G network from a smartphone. An Ipad/iphone allows you to control all Reeti’s features : display of video in real time, control of his head synchronises with movement of the tablet, as well as control over his expressions etc. Cameras allow you to take photos and to transfer them by email or to publish them on Facebook. Endowed with his own behaviour patterns Reeti can, therefore, be an intelligent companion at the same time as a multimedia tool and home automaton. He won’t cause any problems left alone in the living-room and, in fact, we can imagine this friendly robot welcoming us with a big « Hello » before reading us our voice mail and displaying our emails on screen while launching our favourite applications and then asking us what type of music we would like to listen to. REETI : a robot, his applications, infinitely adaptable to your own requirements Reeti has an interface which permits you to launch his own specific applications(the Rapps) as well as traditional PC programmes (Chromium, Open Office, Skype, Gimp). Reeti is operated with Linux Ubuntu supplemented with a URBI software platform which provides for the development of robotic applications. Reeti also possesses his own articicial intelligence (IA) which governs his personal behaviour. A configuration interface also lets you adjust and personalize his functions. On the release of the product about 10 programmes will be immediately available which will allow you to use Reeti to create activities, to programme him, to manage a busy diary, to carry out video surveillance, to take photos automatically and to enhance the appearance of your reception area or trade stand at a Salon or exhibition. Regular updates will continue to enrich Reeti’s features : games, increased reality, educational and recreational software and professional applications targeted at various professions and businesses. Reeti’s design is open to the development of new applications Reeti has opened a unique field for developers, companies and communities alike within the professional and educational and recreational sectors. The world of research has a new platform for experiment and implementation. Private individuals and enthusiastic amateurs can give life to their ideas and share them with friends and family. Totally open to new ideas and future development, all the tools and interfaces (Flash, C++, Urbi, Java, Qt) are available in the pursuit of new applications/programmes and are adaptable to your own particular needs.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Thanks for posting. Your

Thanks for posting. Your link to their website is missing the letter ‘i’. It should be

Did you write the above article yourself or are parts of it copied from somewhere? You should probably list the URLs of any sources just to be clear.

Very cute.

we made this robot



thank you for answering.

Indeed, the link is, I corrected it.

We made ourself this robot and this text is about me, just me.

i will post more information about it (photos, infos…)


So you work for Reeti and

So you work for Reeti and you have come to post your robot here on LMR? How wonderful! Thank you for sharing.

I took the liberty of posting this link to Twitter. I wish you success with this robot. It is very cute and innovative. It reminds me a bit of the Keepon robot.

Good luck, and please keep us informed of your progress here on LMR if you can!