Red-Dragon V3

hello, yes no work in

hello, yes no work in windows 10, i try fix and send you again ok?

help !!


Ok, many thanks for your help :slight_smile:

Nicely done!

Interesting wiring - like the dreadlocks of the predator alien :slight_smile: What’s next? Looking forward to seeing this one evolve, or your next project. Looks like you’ve spent quite a bit of time on the software interface as well.

Wow! This is a fanstistic

Wow! This is a fanstistic project. Look like lots of work. Keep it up. I am excited to see whats next.

** I look forward to the**


I look forward to the version for Windows 10


Hey, all your seoftware download links seem to be broken, could you provide another? I have a biped with an ssc32 controller also.

new link for download

Thank you!

Thank you!

Hi, It’s refuse to works



It’s refuse to works with windows10 !!! 


Help !


Same issue, doesn’t work on

Same issue, doesn’t work on windows 10

Would you mind sharing the

Would you mind sharing the source of the app? I’m hoping I’ll be able to recompile for windows 10 and perhaps add a few bits custom for my robot.

hi,if you recompile for


if you recompile for Win10, i’m interresting because I’m null with compile for windows snif !!! 

** I have sources that gave**


I have sources that gave me giannhsitia, I have never been able to properly compile Win10, I can the deposit you somewhere ???

Yeah, share them on Dropbox

Yeah, share them on Dropbox or another file sharing website. 

** Ok, this is the**


Ok, this is the link:


thanks by advance for your help !


i try fix the problem

** Many thanks, because my**


Many thanks, because my level for develop on windows is not very good, snif !!!